Session 8: Bioinformatic pipelines

Mouse Gene Ontology enrichment analysis pipeline

Bioinformatic pipeline to carry Gene Ontology enrichment analysis for low and high divergence genes among two house mouse subspecies.

SNP variants for two mouse strains (PWD/PhJ, WSB/EiJ) were downloaded from the Mouse Genome Project FTP site (Mouse Genome Project). PWD/PhJ and WSB/EiJ represent Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus subspecies, respectively.

The aim is to identify genes with high relative divergence between the two strains and carry Gene Ontology enrichment analysis for genes according to the divergence.

First, you have to clone the repository from the GitHub:

# Go to you project directory
cd ~/projects

# Clone repository
git clone

# Go to the local repository
cd mouse-go-analysis

Install required software

For the mouse Gene Ontology pipeline three specialized genomic tools are necessary: bedtools, vcftools or bcftools. If they are not installed, the script below will install these tools.


Prepare directories

We are going to prepare directories that are use to store source data as well as intermediate steps and final resulting data. We will create a new data directory in your project directory

mkdir -p data/00-source-data data/01-divergence data/02-go

Define variables

Several types of variables defined. Filtering parameters provide thresholds on filtering quality and number of genes used at different stages of the pipeline.

# Filtering parameters

# Working directories (removed from the git in .gitignore)

# Source files

# Processed source files

# Divergence analysis output files:

# GO enrichment by high and low divergence regions

Prepare CDS & GO databases

MGI.gff3.gz represents a full report containing detailed information on genes, mRNAs, exons and CDS. For the divergence analysis only CDS are needed. CDS database is prepared in this step and .gff3 is converted to .bed to work more easily with the CDS data.

src/ $sourcegenes $cds_db

go_terms.mgi.gz and gene_association.mgi.gz represents GO terms and association between genes and GO terms IDs provided by Mouse Genome Informatics (Mouse Genome Informatics) and Gene Ontology Consortium (Gene Ontology). In the command below joined dataset of list of genes with GO term enrichment is prepared.

src/ $go2genes $goterms $go_db

Run the pipeline step-by-step

1. Selecting SNPs that are divergent between the two strains

Other criteria used for selection is the PHRED quality and read depth (DP). Divergent SNPs are identified using Fst function built in the vcftools. SNPs are considered to be divergent when Fst equals 1.

src/ \
$quality \
$readdepth \
$sourcevcf \
$annotation \

2. Calculate the per gene divergence

Once the list of divergent SNPs between the two strains and the CDS database are created, the divergence per gene can be calculated. Combination of bedtools tools and awk commands is used to find SNPs overlapping CDS parts of the genes and calculate sums and relative divergence by genes.

src/ \
$divergencevcf.gz \
$cds_db \

3. Calculate the average relative divergence by Gene Ontology category

Per-gene relative divergences are used to calculate the average relative divergence for individual GO terms. Combinatino of the built-in Unix join and sort commands is used along with groupby that is part of the bedtools tools suite. GO dataset is joined to dataset on with gene relative divergences. The average for every GO term is then calculated omitting low prevalence GO terms.

src/ \
$divergence \
$go_db \
$minnumgenes \

4. Prepare a barplot showing results of the GO enrichment analysis

To plot the results of the GO enrichment analysis Rscript is used. Library ggplot2 is the most suitable tool to provide fast and efficient plot.

Rscript src/plot.R

Alternatively, we can open the .R file in R Studio and plot the graph there.

Resulting ggplot graph


Run the whole pipeline at once

Now we can try to run the whole pipeline at once using shell script using different set of parameters.

# Filtering parameters

# GO enrichment by high and low divergence regions

# Run the pipeline
./ \
$quality \
$readdepth \
$minnumgenes \
$sourcevcf \
$annotation \
$divergencevcf \
$cds_db \
$divergence \
$go_db \