Session 4: Unix - “Real” Project

Here you will learn several concepts needed for running real projects:

  • use one screen session per project (if you’re juggling more projects)
  • keep your code in a text file
  • keep your data files separate from your code
  • make your intent more legible by wrapping code in functions and script files
  • make your research shareable and reproducible via git
  • write handy scripts in awk
  • scale to multiple files and speed up your processing

Keep your stuff ordered

Let’s pretend we’re starting to work on something serious, a new project:

cd ~/projects

# a new project dir, separate dir for data in one shot
mkdir -p unix-advanced/data

# set your work dir to the 'current' project dir
cd unix-advanced

# definitely run screen to be safe
# screen sessions can be named, which helps you
screen -S advanced

# prepare source data
cp /data-shared/bed_examples/Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed data/

# add a new window with ctrl+a c

# note and save all the (working) code


The nano bottom bar has a lot of weird symbols. ^O means type ctrl-o, pressing both of the keys at once. M-U means alt-u, again pressing both simultaneously. For some reason, Write Out means Save in usual parlance.

Now you’ll be typing your code in the nano window and pasting it to the other window where the shell is running. You’ll be writing code on your own now, so you need to keep track of what you created. I’ll occasionally post solutions to Slack.

awk (pronounced [auk])

awk is most often used instead of cut, when the fields are separated by spaces and padded to a fixed width awk can ignore the whitespace - and where cut also falls short, awk can reorder the columns:

Hands on!

# test the smart <tab> auto-complete!

# $INPUT contains some genome annotations
# look around the file a bit
# - there are chromosome ids in the first column
# - we want to count the annotations per each chromosome

<$INPUT cut -f # complete the rest!!

But what if you wanted to have a table which mentions chromosomes first and then the counts? Enter awk. Every line (called record) is split into fields, which are assigned to variables $1 for first field, $2 for second etc. The whole line is in $0 if needed. awk expects the program as first argument:

Hands on!

# note the single quotes, they're important because of $
your_code_here | awk '{print $2, $1}'

Additionally you can add conditions when the code is executed:

Hands on!

your_code_here | awk '($2 < 10) {print $2, $1}'

Or even leave out the code body, which is the same as one {print $0} statement - that is print the matching lines:

Hands on!

your_code_here | awk '($2 < 10)'

There are some other variables pre-filled for each line, like record number NR (starting at 1) and number of fields NF.

# NF comes handy when checking if it's okay to
# process a file with (say) cut
<$INPUT awk '{print NF}' | uniq

Let’s play with some fastq files. Extract first five files to data:

<$INPUT tar tz | head -5 | xargs tar xvf $INPUT -C data

Look at the data with less - these are reads from 454, with varying read lengths. Let’s check the lengths:

<data/HRTMUOC01.RL12.01.fastq paste - - - - | awk '{print $1, length($2)}' | head

We could do a length histogram easily now… But let’s filter on the length:

Hands on!

<data/HRTMUOC01.RL12.01.fastq paste - - - - | # can you figure out?

# and we'd like to have a valid fastq file on the output
# - what if we replaced all the \t with \n (hint: tr)

Functions in the Shell

This creates a command called uniqt that will behave as uniq -c, but there will be no padding (spaces) in front of the numbers, and numbers will be separated by <tab>, so you can use it with cut will work.

uniqt() { uniq -c | sed -r 's/^ *([0-9]+) /\1\t/' ;}

Now test it:

<data/Ensembl.NCBIM37.67.bed cut -f1 | sort | uniqt | head

You can see that the basics of the syntax are your-name() { command pipeline ;}. If you want to pass some arguments into the function, use $1, $2 etc.:

test-function() { echo First argument: $1 ;}
test-function my-argument

Now create a function called fastq-min-length, with one argument (use $1 in the body of the function) giving the minimal length:

Hands on!

fastq-min-length() { paste - - - - | your_code_here ;}

# which will be used like this:
<data/HRTMUOC01.RL12.01.fastq fastq-min-length 90 > data/filtered.fastq

We’ll go through the ‘quoting hell’ and some methods to solve it here briefly. Awk uses $1 for something else than the shell, we need to protect it with single quotes, but we still need to get through shell’s $1 somehow… Awk’s -v argument helps in this case - use it like awk -v min_len=$1 '(length($2) > min_len)'.


Let’s pop-open the matryoshka. What is terminal, what is a shell, what is Bash?

The program which takes care of collecting your keystrokes and rendering the colored characters which come from the server is called a terminal. Famous terminals are mintty (that’s what you’re using in Windows now), Konsole, Terminal App… The next doll inside is ssh. It takes care of encrypted communication with the remote server. An interesting alternative for geeks is mosh (google it yourself;). Now you need a program to talk to on the remote side - that is the shell. We’re using bash now, sometimes you can meet the simpler cousin sh, and the kool kids are doing zsh. To recap, Bash is to shell what Firefox is to browser.

Shell Scripts

Another way to organize your code is to put it into a separate file called a ‘script file’. It begins with a shebang line, telling the computer which language is the script in. Bash shebang is #! /bin/bash. Take care to give a descriptive name to your script:


Copy and paste the following code block into the nano editor, save it with ctrl+o and switch to another bash window in screen.

Hands on!


# your_code_here

echo Replace me with real code!
echo Arguments: $1 $2

# to stay with the 'tool concept'
# expect input on stdin and output the results to stdout

We need to mark the file as executable and test it:

chmod +x

# check with ls, should be green now
# and using ll you should see the 'x' (eXecutable) permission

# and run it (the ./ is important!)


You can check file permissions by typing ll instead of ls. rwx stand for Read, Write, eXecute, and are repeated three times, for User, Group, and Others. The two names you see next to the permissions are file’s owner user and group.

You can change the permissions - if you have the permission to do so - by e.g. chmod go+w - “add write permission to group and others”.

Now collect your code from above (contents of your function, not the whole function) and paste it below the shebang. Don’t forget to remove the debug echo parts - otherwise your script will spoil it’s output with some useless chatter.

# when the final code is there, you need to give it input (and maybe save the output):
<data/HRTMUOC01.RL12.01.fastq ./ 90 > data/filtered.fastq

Code management and sharing via GIT

Once you start writing your scripts, you’ll soon find yourself handling files named like,,, .. etc. There is one cure for them all: git. It was originally created by Linus Torvalds, the author of the Linux kernel, for managing the source code of Linux, it slowly gained popularity in other communities.

What git does is managing versions of a directory tree. The managed subtree is called a repository. Each saved version is called a commit. You usually create a commit when you got a working version of your code. By allowing you to go back to any committed version git effectively removes the need for all copies of your code.


Please note the difference between git and Google Docs - Google Docs keeps track of all versions of a particular file. git keeps track of manually selected versions (snapshots) of a whole directory. That makes sense when calls, and they have to match.

You will be using git to hand in the final exam, so please take care to set it up correctly. Once on every new machine you need to tell git who you are, because the commits are ‘signed’ by the author.

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

To be able to share your code, you need an account on a ‘social coding’ site like GitHub. If you don’t have a GitHub account, please get one. You don’t have to do this right now, but if you believe could use some help, now it’s the best time.

To upload your code, you need to add a key to GitHub here. This is how you generate the needed key:

# generate the private and public keys
ssh-keygen -t ed25519

# show the public key to copy and paste to github
cat ~/.ssh/

And now after a tedious setup let’s reap the benefits. We’ll store the current version of your scripts in unix-advanced project, ignoring the data.

# make sure we're in ~/projects/unix-advanced

# tell git we want to track this directory
git init

# tell git that we don't want to track and store the huge data
# (git is not good at storing big data)
echo 'data*' >> .gitignore

# check what git sees in our brand new repo
git status

# add a single file
git add

# make a commit
# add some descriptive message
git commit -m 'solution to ngs-course exercises"

This is all you need to track your versions locally. If you want to publish your creations, make a backup for yourself, or move your code to some shared machine which will do bigger computations, you need to push it somewhere. If you already have the GitHub account, you can create a repo on the website, add it as a remote to your local repo and push. You don’t have to be shy, GitHub allows you to create a private repo.

# use the commands suggested by GitHub to add a remote
# ...

# then push
git push

When using git, you can gradually learn about more concepts and commands, as you find the need for them. To give you a head start:

  • git pull updates your local repo if the remote is newer
  • by pulling other’s changes over yours, you’ll soon encounter merge
  • git stash can be used to “hide” local changes during pull to avoid a commit and following merge, git stash pop brings them back
  • git checkout -b new-name and git branch some-name allow you to keep more simultaneous versions in one repo and switch between them

Multi-file, multi-core processing

Multi-file processing is best done with find and xargs. That’s basic Unix. If you install parallel, it substitutes xargs and does much better job, having ‘nicer’ syntax, and makes multi-file multi-core processing a breeze.

Let’s check the basic concepts - find converts directory structure to ‘data’ (stdout), xargs converts stdin to command line(s).

# Investigate!

find data -type f

find data -type f | xargs echo

find data -type f | xargs -I{} echo File: {} found!

parallel runs one instance of the command per each CPU in your machine. Regrettably your virtual machine has only one CPU, so this won’t help much. But modern machines do have four and more CPUs, and then it really helps.

Do control the number of jobs (-j) only when sharing the machine with someone, or when you’re sure that your task is IO bound. Otherwise parallel does a good job choosing the number of tasks to run for you.


Parallelizing things IS difficult. There’s no discussion about that. There are some rules of thumb, which can help - but if you want to squeeze out the maximum performance from your machine, it’s still a lot of ‘try - monitor performance - try again’ cycles.

To get good performance it is important to know what happens during data processing: First the data is loaded from hard drive to memory, then from memory to the CPU, the CPU does the calculation, then the results have to get to the memory and saved to the hard drive again. Different workloads take different amounts of time in each step.


In general, you need a work unit which takes much longer to calculate than it takes to load the data from the hard drive (compare times of pv data > /dev/null to pv data | your-task > /dev/null), usually a good work unit takes on the order of minutes. When disk access seems to be the limiting factor, you can try to compress the data with some fast compressor like lz4. Do not parallelize disk intensive tasks, it will make things only slower! If you still want to use parallel’s syntax, use parallel -j1 to use only single core.

The most powerful thing about parallel is it’s substitution strings like {.}, {/}, {#} - check man parallel.

parallel echo Ahoj ::: A B C

parallel --dry-run echo Ahoj ::: A B C

parallel echo File: {} found! ::: data/*.fastq

parallel echo File: {/} found! ::: data/*.fastq

parallel echo File: {/.} found! ::: data/*.fastq


If your data is a single file, but the processing of one line is not dependent on the other lines, you can use the split command to create several files each with defined number of lines from the original file.