Genomic tools session

A lot of command line tools available for genomics, e.g.:

Read alignment data:
Variant data:
Annotation data (genome arithmetics):
Sequence/Alignment/Tree data:


Get a population differentiation calculated as Fst between M. m. musculus and M. m. domesticus within a given sliding window and find candidate genes within highly differentiated regions:

  1. use vcftools to filter data and calculate Fst for individual SNPs
  2. calculate Fst for each SNP (vcftools)
  3. write a function that will create sliding windows for windows of different sizes and steps (bedtools makewindows) and calculate average Fst for each window (groupBy) and calculate average Fst for sliding windows of these sizes and steps
  1. 100 kb + 10 kb step
  2. 500 kb + 50 kb step
  3. 1 Mb + 100 kb step
  1. use R-Studio and ggplot2 to plot Fst values across the genome
  2. use R or tabtk to obtain the 99th percentile and use it to obtain a set of candidate genomic regions
  3. use bedtools intersect to get a list of candidate genes

Extract genotype data for European mouse individuals and filter out variants having more than one missing genotype and minor allele frequency 0.2 (we have already started - you should have prepared VCF file with European samples and filtered out variants with missing genomes and low minor allele frequency).

mkdir -p ~/projects/fst

cd ~/projects/fst


vcftools --gzvcf $IN \
       --keep $SAMPLES \
       --recode --stdout |
vcftools --vcf - \
       --max-missing 1 \
       --maf 0.2 \
       --recode \
       --stdout \
    > popdata_mda_euro.vcf

Calculate Fst values for variants between M. m. musculus and M. m. domesticus populations (populations specified in musculus_samps.txt and domesticus_samps.txt):


    vcftools --vcf $IN \
       --weir-fst-pop $MUS \
       --weir-fst-pop $DOM \
       --stdout |
    tail -n +2 |
    awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}{print $1,$2-1,$2,$1":"$2,$3}' \
    > popdata_mda_euro_fst.bed

Build function that calculates average Fst for sliding windows

# Set file name with Fst values by SNP


# Make sliding windows (genome file containing info about size of chromosome has to be specified)

grep -E '^2|^11' /data-shared/mus_mda/02-windows/genome.fa.fai > genome-fst.fa.fai



bedtools makewindows \
           -g $GENOME \
           -w $WIN \
           -s $STEP |
awk -v win=$NAME '{ print $0"\t"win }' | less

# Intersect windows with list of SNPs

bedtools makewindows \
           -g $GENOME \
           -w $WIN \
           -s $STEP | \
awk -v win=$NAME '{ print $0"\t"win }' |
bedtools intersect \
           -a - \
           -b $IN \
       -wa -wb | less

# Calculate the average Fst by windows

bedtools makewindows \
           -g $GENOME \
           -w $WIN \
           -s $STEP | \
awk -v win=$NAME '{ print $0"\t"win }' |
bedtools intersect \
           -a - \
           -b $IN \
       -wa -wb |
sort -k4,4 -k1,1 -k2,2n |
groupBy -i - \
           -g 4,1,2,3 \
           -c 9 \
           -o mean

# We can put everything together to write a function that can be re-used for different window sizes

average_fst() {

    bedtools makewindows \
           -g $1 \
           -w $2 \
           -s $3 |
    awk -v win=$4 '{ print $0"\t"win }' |
    bedtools intersect \
           -a - \
           -b $5 \
       -wa -wb |
    sort -k4,4 -k1,1 -k2,2n |
    groupBy -i - \
           -g 4,1,2,3 \
           -c 9 \
           -o mean


Make three sets of sliding windows (100 kb, 500 kb, 1 Mb) and concatenate them into a single file:


# 1 Mb sliding windows with 100 kb step

average_fst $GENOME 1000000 100000 "1Mb" $IN > fst_1000kb.bed

# 500 kb sliding windows with 50 kb step

average_fst $GENOME 500000 50000 "500kb" $IN > fst_500kb.bed

# 100 kb sliding windows with 10 kb step

average_fst $GENOME 100000 10000 "100kb" $IN > fst_100kb.bed

cat fst*.bed > windows_mean_fst.tsv

Visualize the average Fst values within the sliding windows of the three sizes between the two house mouse subspecies in R-Studio. Plot the distribution of the Fst values for the three window sizes and also plot the average Fst values along the chromosomes.


R ggplot2 commands to plot population differentiation



## Read Fst file and rename names in header
read_tsv('windows_mean_fst.tsv', col_names=F) -> fst

names(fst) <- c("win_size", "chrom", "start", "end", "avg_fst" )

# Reorder levels for window size
fst %>%
  mutate(win_size = factor(win_size, levels=c("100kb", "500kb", "1Mb"))) ->

# Plot density distribution for average Fst values across windows
ggplot(fst, aes(avg_fst)) +
        geom_density(fill=I("blue")) +
## Plot Fst values along physical position
ggplot(fst, aes(y=avg_fst, x=start, colour=win_size)) +
        geom_line() +
        facet_wrap(~chrom, nrow=2) +
        scale_colour_manual(name="Window size", values=c("green", "blue","red"))

## Retrieve 99% quantiles
fst %>%
        group_by(win_size) %>%
        summarize(p=quantile(avg_fst,probs=0.99)) -> fst_quantiles

## Add 99% quantiles for 500kb window
ggplot(fst, aes(y=avg_fst, x=start, colour=win_size)) +
        geom_line() +
        facet_wrap(~chrom, nrow=2) +
        geom_hline(yintercept=as.numeric(fst_quantiles[2,2]), colour="black") +
        scale_colour_manual(name="Window size", values=c("green", "blue","red"))

Find the 99th percentile of genome-wide distribution of Fst values in order to guess possible outlier genome regions. 99th percentile can be obtained running R as command line or by using tabtk. The output would be a list of windows having Fst higher than or equal to 99% of the data.

## Calculate the 99 % quantile for average Fst for 500 kb windows
Q=$( grep '500kb' windows_mean_fst.tsv | tabtk num -c5 -q0.99 )

## Use of variables in AWK: -v q=value

grep 500kb windows_mean_fst.tsv |
  awk -v q=$Q -F $'\t' 'BEGIN{OFS=FS}$5>=q{print $2,$3,$4}' |
  sortBed |
  bedtools merge -i stdin \
        > signif_500kb.bed

Use the mouse gene annotation file to retrieve genes within the windows of high Fst (i.e. putative reproductive isolation loci).


    bedtools intersect \
            -a $GENES \
            -b signif_500kb.bed -wa | \
            column -t | less