Unix - Basics

This session will give you all the basics that you need to smoothly move around when using a UNIX system (in the text mode!).

Basic orientation


Copying and pasting in the Windows terminal (Git for Windows) is different than in other programs - especially because ctrl+c means to kill the current program. To copy text to clipboard just select it with your left mouse button. To paste from clipboard either click midlle mouse button, or press shift+insert.

Check your keyboard

Before we do any serious typing, make sure you know where are the important keys. I’d suggest using English keyboard, if you don’t want to constantly press right alt and five random letters before you find the one you need. You will definitely need those keys:

[] - square brackets
{} - curly brackets (mustache)
<> - angle brackets (less than, greater than)
() - parentheses
~ - tilde
/ - slash
\ - backslash
| - pipe
^ - caret
$ - dollar sign
: - colon
; - semicolon
. - dot
, - comma
# - hash, pound
_ - underscore
- - dash
* - asterisk
! - exclamation mark
? - question mark
& - ampersand
@ - at sign
' - single quote
" - double quote
` - back tick

Be safe when the network fails

When you are disconnected from the machine due to any technical problems, all your running programs are killed. To prevent this, we suggest to use the screen tool for all your work:


To safely disconnect from a running screen press ctrl+a d (d for detach). To attach again type:

screen -r


Keyboard shortcuts notation: ctrl+a d means press ctrl key and a key simultaneously and d key after you release both of the previous keys.

Directory structure

Unlike ‘drives’ in MS Windows, UNIX has a single directory tree that starts in / (called root directory). Everything can be reached from the root directory. The next important directory is ~ (called user’s home directory). It is a shortcut for /home/user here, /home/..your login name.. in general.


Your bash session has a working directory that can be changed with cd (change directory) and printed with pwd (print working directory). All filenames and paths you type refer to your working directory (relative paths), unless you start them with / (absolute paths).

Try the following commands in the order they are provided, and figure out what they do. Then use your knowledge to explore the directory structure of the virtual machine.

Figure out what these commands do:

ls /
ls ..
ls ~
cd /
cd ..
cd ~

A neat trick to go back where you’ve been before the last cd command:

cd -

More in Moving around & manipulation with files and directories.

Moving or copying files and directories

touch # make a file
mkdir -p some/sub/directories # make nested directories
rm -r # remove a file/directory
mv # move a file/directory
cp -r # copy a file/directory
cd # Go to home directory
mkdir projects/fastq # Make a new directory 'fastq'
# Copy a fastq archive to the new directory
cp /data-shared/fastq/fastq.tar.gz projects/fastq/.
cd projects/fastq
tar -zxvf fastq.tar.gz

Uncompressing files

# Compressed tarball archives (does not remove the archive)
tar -xzvf fastq.tar.gz

# gzipped files (take care, this removes the input file)
gunzip file.txt.gz

# Open gzipped files in pipeline (zcat does not remove the file)
zcat file.txt.gz | less

Viewing plain text file content

less -SN
tail -n 5
head -n 5


Using the | (pipe) character you instruct the shell to take the output of the first command and use it as an input for the second command.

The complement to head is tail. It displays last lines of the input. It can be readily combined with head to show the second sequence in the file.

cd ~/projects/fastq
< HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq head -8 | tail -4 | less -S


Imagine you’ve got 40 FASTQ files. You don’t want to copy and paste all the names! There is a feature that comes to rescue. It’s called globbing. It allows you to specify more filenames at once by defining some common pattern. All your read files have .fastq extension. *.fastq means a file named by any number of characters followed by ‘.fastq’.

cd ~/projets/fastq
ls HRTMUOC01.RL12.*.fastq

ls HRTMUOC01.RL12.0?.fastq

ls HRTMUOC01.RL12.0[1-9].fastq

Exercise (How many reads are there?):

We found out that FASTQ files have a particular structure (four lines per read). To find the total number of reads in our data, we will use another tool, wc (stands for word count, not for a toilet at the end of the pipeline;). wc counts words, lines and characters.

Our data is in several separate files. To merge them on the fly we’ll use another tool, cat (for conCATenate). cat takes a list of file names and outputs a continuous stream of the data that was in the files (there is no way to tell where one file ends from the stream).

# now double click on each file name in the listing, # and click right mouse button to paste (insert space in between)

cat *.fastq | wc -l

The number that appeared is four times the number of sequences (each sequence takes four lines). And there is even a built-in calculator in bash:

echo $(( XXXX / 4 ))
expr XXXX / 4


echo $CPU

echo $FILE
echo file{1..9}.txt
LST=$( echo file{1..9}.txt )
echo $LST

LST2=$(ls ~/projects/fastq/*.fastq)
echo $LST2


LST=$(ls ~/projects/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.*.fastq)

for I in $LST
  echo $I
  head -1 $I | wc -c

Installing software

The easiest way to install software is via a package manager (eg. apt-get for all Debian variants). When the required software is not in the repositories, or one needs the latest version, it’s necessary to take the more difficult path. The canonical UNIX way is:

wget -O - ..url.. | tar xvz   # download and unpack the 'tarball' from internet
cd ..unpacked directory..     # set working directory to the project directory
./configure                   # check your system and choose the way to build it
make                          # convert source code to machine code (compile it)
sudo make install             # copy the results to your system


Normal users cannot change (and break) the (UNIX) system. There is one special user in each system called root, who has the rights to make system wide changes. You can either directly log in as root, or use sudo (super user do) to execute one command as root.



Installing software from common repository:

sudo apt-get install htop


Install software which is not in the common repository. You just need to find a source code and compile it:

wget https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases/download/v2.25.0/bedtools-2.25.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf bedtools-2.25.0.tar.gz
cd bedtools2

Another common place where you find a lot of software is GitHub. We’ll install bedtools from a GitHub repository:

cd ~/sw

# get the latest bedtools
git clone https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2

This creates a clone of the online repository in bedtools2 directory.

cd bedtools2



  1. What is the output of this command cd ~/ && ls | wc -l?
  1. The total count of files in subdirectories in home directory
  2. The count of lines in files in home directory
  3. The count of files/directories in home directory
  4. The count of files/directories in current directory
  1. How many directories this command mkdir {1999..2001}-{1st,2nd,3rd,4th}-{1..5} makes (do not use calculator!)?
  1. 56
  2. 60
  3. 64
  4. 72
  1. When files created using this command touch file0{1..9}.txt file{10..30}.txt, how many files matched by ls file?.txt and ls file*0.txt
  1. 30 and 0
  2. 0 and 30
  3. 30 and 4
  4. 0 and 3
  1. Which file would match this pattern ls *0?0.*?
  1. file36500.tab
  2. file456030
  3. 5460230.txt
  4. 456000.tab
  1. Where do we get with this command cd ~/ && cd ../..?
  1. two levels below home directory
  2. one level above home directory
  3. to root directory
  4. two levels above root directory
  1. What number does this command < file.txt head -10 | tail -n+9 | wc -l print? (Assume the file.txt contains a lot of lines)
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3