Unix - Advanced II

Scripting session:

  • scripting in one line (or more;) using awk
  • writing functions and scripts in shell
  • speeding up your processing by running in parallel

Scripting in one line (awk)

awk is most often used instead of cut, when the fields are separated by spaces and padded - awk can ignore the whitespace. awk can also be used when one wants to reorder the columns: echo "   1 3    5" | awk '{print $2, $3, $1}'.

And now for something completely different - Use the nightingale FASTQ files:

  1. Extract IDs of a FASTQ file and count the number of reads
< data/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq awk '{ if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 0 ){ print $0 } }' | wc -l
  1. Make a file with read ID and read lengths in one line
< data/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq \
awk 'BEGIN{
    if(( NR + 3 ) % 4 == 0 ){
        id = $0
        if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 1 ){
            print id,length($0)
}' | less
  1. Get average read length
< data/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq \
awk 'BEGIN{
    OFS="\t"; l=0; n=0
    if( ( NR + 3 ) % 4 == 1 ){
        l = l + length($0);
        n = n + 1;
    print "Average read length:", l/n
  1. Filter out short sequences (set the minimum size allowed)
< data/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq \
awk -v l=80 '{
  if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 0 ){
  }else if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 1 ){
  }else if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 2 ){
    if( length(seq) >= l ){
      print id"\n"seq"\n"q"\n+";
}' | less

Functions in Shell

Create a command uniqt that will behave as uniq, but there will be no padding (spaces) in front of the numbers, and numbers will be separated by <tab>, so eg. cut will work.

Do not use the same name as the original command, otherwise you’ll create an endless loop.

uniqt() { uniq -c | sed -r 's/^ *([0-9]+) /\1\t/'  ;}

Shell Scripts

nano script.sh

Make a script filter_fastq.sh which reads a FASTQ file, filters out short sequences and saves to a file named $INPUT-filtered:



< $FILE awk -v l=$LENGTH '{
    if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 0 ){
    }else if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 1 ){
    }else if( (NR + 3) % 4 == 2 ){
        if( length(seq) >= l ){
            print id"\n"seq"\n"q"\n+";
}' > $OUT

echo File `basename $FILE` done

To run the script:

chmod +x filter_fastq.sh
# check with ls, filter_fastq.sh should be green now
# and using ll you should see the 'x' (eXecutable) permission
./filter_fastq.sh data/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq 80

# or, without a need for the shebang line (#!) in the file
# and without +x permission
bash filter_fastq.sh data/fastq/HRTMUOC01.RL12.00.fastq 80


Runs one instance of the command per each CPU in your machine. Regretably your virtual machine has only one CPU, so this won’t help much. But modern machines do have four and more CPUs, and then it really helps.

Do control the number of jobs (-j) only when sharing the machine with someone, or when you’re sure that yout task is IO bound. Otherwise parallel does a good job choosing the number of tasks to run for you.

parallel 'bash script.sh {} > {}.out' ::: {1..10}

Run the filter_fastq.sh in parallel:

parallel 'bash filter_fastq.sh {} 80' ::: data/fastq/*.fastq

There is a lot of magic to be done with {.}, {/}, {#} placeholders, check man parallel. If your data is a single file, but the processing of one line is not dependent on the other lines, split will help.